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This book was originally written and then revised many years ago.   But learning how to read has not really changed and reading is still an essential skill.   But the importance of motivation to learn is shown by the fact that almost every young person world-wide has learned to text their friends and to read their messages.  

This book does not explore the extent of the new resources available for teaching and motivation, but they certainly exist. Please explore them yourself.

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This book was written to give any parent who would like to help their child to read earlier or faster the tools to do so easily and having lots of fun.  It is based on a program that was shown to work in a research study, and comes with a guarantee that it also has worked with thousands of parents and children.In the research study it was used with children who had just started school - and it is most suitable to supplement what is being taught at school.    Starting with the preliminary sessions it has also been successfully used for children starting to read from scratch before they start school. 

This program/book will:
•    Give a parent the knowledge and skills to enable their child to learn to read.
•    Provide ways to stimulate a high achiever to reach his or her full potential.
•    Reassure a parent if they feel their child is not achieving their potential and give them the tools and knowledge to remedy this.
•    Pass on the clever tricks and strategies used by Infant teachers to motivate their students.
•    Give strategies for achieving co-operation from an uncooperative four or five year old.

This book contains a program of simple, fun activities that any parent can use to teach his or her child to read in a few easy stages.   
It has been proved to work with hundreds of individual parents and children.
It can also be used at any stage of a child’s learning to supplement school teaching, to take a child on faster, or to help a child to catch up with his peers through extra help at home.

It includes:
1.  A description of the processes involved in learning to read and much other useful information that is the stock in trade of a primary school teacher set out in terms that a layman can understand, illustrated by examples from her experience, and
2.   Samples of simple reading and phonic materials to make life easier for a parent using the program.
The program consists of simple reading material arranged sequentially, simple fun games and interesting activities, set out as a day’s activities, which have been shown to actually be able to be used successfully by parents.  Objective research proved that the program actually works.
It is based on the author’s belief, well substantiated by observation, that parents are most effective teachers, particularly when their children are young, and the conviction that the teaching of reading is not a difficult task, and can be successfully accomplished by anyone with a little guidance

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