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using this FREE teacher-designed research-based validated program

by Marion Coulson

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This book is for parents who would like to - or need to - assist their child at home to learn the essential skill of reading.  

For instance, if their child is not receiving the skilled teaching needed
        when no teaching is available
        when the teaching available is not meeting their child’s needs
        when they wish to home-school their child

Or when they desire to assist their child’s learning because
        they believe their child would benefit from further stimulation
        their child is falling behind.

Or they wish to understand how their child is learning and how they can help to give their child the best opportunity to meet their fullest potential through the support and interest of a caring parent.

The book provides parents with an understanding, in layman’s terms, of how a child learns to read and the skills that a skilled teacher uses.   It also provides a sequential program of fun activities - tested and tried by hundreds of parents and shown to be able to be used very successfully - to develop a child’s ability to read.

It is also provides in very simple terms, a course for teachers of beginner readers, preschool teachers, first grade teachers, and any teacher who wishes to upgrade their understanding of the task.
And it shows how this can be great fun for both parent and child.

Use this book to develop an understanding of how your child learns to read.    Develop the skills and strategies used by a good teacher to assist your child’s learning with a sequential program of fun activities, tested and shown to succeed.  

It is easy and it is fun.

Develop an understanding of how your child learns to read.    
Your child can learn to read with this program of fun activities, shown to succeed.  


This book was written to give any parent who would like to help their child to read earlier or faster the tools to do so easily and having lots of fun.  It is based on a program that was shown to work in a research study, and comes with a guarantee that it also has worked with thousands of parents and children.
In the research study it was used with children who had just started school - and it is most suitable to supplement what is being taught at school.    Starting with the preliminary sessions it has also been successfully used for children starting to read from scratch before they start school. 

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